A Holiday Star update is now live

Shadow Warrior

Shadow Warrior is a bold reimagining of the classic 3D Realms’ shooter from independent developer Flying Wild Hog (Hard Reset) starring the legendary and quick-witted warrior Lo Wang.

Hey everybirdie, Thanks so far for the great reception to the release of Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star, everyone appreciates this greatly :heartoful: We are aware there has been a few issues with the launch build and have been working to get as many of these as possible fixed as quickly as we can. Today we rolled out the following fixes: [list] [*]Windowed mode/resolution options re-enabled via launcher. [*]Soundtrack issues resolved, now you can enjoy the full magic of Holiday Star! [*]Various typos fixed. [*]Linux: Missing library added. [*]Added more soundtracks to Collector's Edition content. [*]Various other small fixes. [/list] We will continue to monitor the forums for issues and try and fix things up where we can. Happy Holidays :HBhohoho: Mediatonic