Is It Wrong To Try To Rescue Monster Girls From The Inquisition?

Solve otherworldly puzzles, rescue quirky monster girls and uncover the secrets of the kingdom together in this light-hearted isekai visual novel.

Hey there, fellow heroes of the monster girl world! I just wanted to pop in and say a big [b]THANK YOU[/b] to everyone who has wishlisted [i]'Is It Wrong To Try To Rescue Monster Girls From The Inquisition?'[/i] in the last week or so. [b]You all are amazing and your support has put a huge smile on both the monster girls' faces and mine![/b] As you may already know, this is a solo developed project, and I'm doing my best to make the game stand out in all areas - from graphics to music, to puzzle gameplay bits and, last but not least, the [strike]silly[/strike] [b]ultra epic[/b] fantasy story. I've been scouring the internet lately trying to get some more eyeballs to join our ranks, but it turns out getting your game out there when no one knows who you are isn't an easy task, [i]who could've guessed[/i]. So if you have any friends with similar exquisite tastes when it comes to quality entertainment please make sure they are properly informed about this upcoming hidden gem. I promise to make the game as fun and engaging as it can be, cranking up the content and polish until the very last moment before release, so you can enjoy spending as much time as possible with your favorite monster girls. If you have any questions about the upcoming game, don't hesitate to drop a comment or a topic on the discussions forum. I'd be more than happy to talk to you! Once again, thank you so much for your unwavering support! Can't wait to share this adventure with you all.