A Heartfelt Thank You

Pompeii: The Legacy

Rebuild the city of Pompeii and climb the social ladder. Roman society is full of intrigues that you have to solve in order to become a powerful ruler.

Hello, everyone! I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to all of you. The response to Pompeii: The Legacy on its first day has been overwhelming! I’m thrilled to share that we’ve already reached over [b]3,500 wishlists[/b], and so many of you have[b] followed the game[/b]. [b]Thank you![/b] This is just the beginning, and I’m incredibly excited about the journey ahead. I’m looking forward to building a great community around this game, and I hope this will be the start of a wonderful friendship between us. In the coming days, I’ll be launching a developer blog right here on the Steam page, where I’ll share more insights into the game and give you a behind-the-scenes look at how some of the features are created. Your feedback and involvement will be invaluable as we continue this journey together. In the first dev blog, I will dive deeper into the gameplay mechanics and reveal more about the user interface. I’m eager to share these details with you and get your thoughts as we continue to develop the game. Thank you again for your support! I can’t wait to share more with you! Warm regards, Zeljko Kos Siscia Games