A Game by Other Studio We Really Look Forward To

[img]https://i.imgur.com/PtANuXJ.gif[/img] [i]Note: This announcement is unrelated to Party Hard; its purpose is to give a shout-out to a different game from a small indie studio we know.[/i] [b][h1]Hey there, partygoers! [/h1][/b] [h3]It's a very unusual post for us to publish.[/h3] Mutual support is something that indie game development has been famous for. The accumulative effort of the devs sharing each other's projects really helps get more eyes on their titles. Today, we wanted to shout out an upcoming game that has caught our eye recently. [i][b]I Am Future[/b][/i] is a base-building survival game with an emphasis on story. It's set in a world that was completely flooded by a series of tsunamis, and the devastation's so great that all humans basically died. All but one! You play as that sole survivor, and you're stuck on a skyscraper roof, surrounded by the ocean. Well, not "stuck", actually, since you're in for a good time there! You can grow crops, fish, build your own base... You can program robots to help you too! Besides, there's no other humans to annoy you by throwing loud parties! Perfect. [h3][b]Check the game out and wishlist it:[/b][/h3] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1658040/I_Am_Future_Cozy_Apocalypse_Survival/ [quote][quote][img]https://i.imgur.com/prn5hFo.gif[/img][/quote][/quote]