A few thoughts from the Developer to consider

Streets of Chaos

Streets of Chaos is a unique strategy/board game where you become the leader of a resistance in an apocalyptic world. Features a randomly generated world each game, high-res graphics and original music, and an open-ended strategy model that evolves and encourages thought and planning.

There has been a few issues regarding Streets of Chaos i'd like to bring up, and get everything into the open so players know where i'm coming from. I'll let this serve as my statement on the matter, not responding to reviews any longer unless asked a question on them. Firstly: Streets of Chaos was intended to be a light, quick strategy/board type game for the PC. It was designed and programmed by 1 man (me) on a tiny budget, as are many of my games. I craft them with a decent amount of attention to detail and I work hard on them, issuing both expansion packs and free patches to make them deeper and better pretty quickly. I always have done this, and am proud of paying attention to the community and making the games better through their suggestions. But..they aren't super 3D/Unity extravaganzas. That's why its $3 and not $5, or $10 or $20. If you require that to enjoy a game, better to move on to something else. You won't like SOC. Is Streets of Chaos perfect? No, and I know that. But some recent comments and reviews have just been plain unnecessary, nasty, inaccurate in some cases and based on feedback I got from dozens of play-testers, many of who either work in the industry, write about it or have played strategy games for many years, the comments about "first-year Comp Sci student" and all of that are just plain wrong. It's not "helpful" at all. Also: of the 41 testers I used on the game, 4 had technical issues that required tracking down and it had 5 reported bugs (4 of which have been confirmed fully fixed as of the 1.1 patch), so the game is fairly solid and stable without significant issues. But Windows is a complex thing -- If you're having issues with the game, i'm always here to help! EMail me directly at: indiegameguy@live.com -- Leaving a nasty thumbs down review isn't the proper response to this situation. And finally -- give the game a fair shot before you leave a review. That's all I ask really. You can't REALLY know about a game, or a movie, or a play -- or whatever -- in 5-10 minutes, just as you can't know a person just by talking to them in that amount of time. Note that many of the positive reviews here spent 2-3 hours or more with the game, and there's a correlation there. I've had 50+ emails from people since its release that did not like the game the first 5-15 minutes, then fall in and enjoy it after an hour or so. Thanks for listening and please do try the game out if you haven't. If there's a feature you'd like to see, a part of the game you don't like, if you love it or even if you hate it, email me, and if i'm able, i'll see what can be done. I'm not here for a quick "money grab", i'm here to make the coolest games I can! Derek