A Few Fixes!


Deep in an old forgotten laboratory, a failed experiment reboots from its sleep. With no memories, it now must explore the many different areas of the extensive complex with the help of an AI called MUSE. Will it find the light of redemption it longs for, or will it find a dark and terrible truth?

This update fixes a few things we've become aware of and changes a few things. Firstly we decreased the amount of force used by the first boss's arm to throw you so that it should now be impossible for the player to get stuck in the wall by its force. An unintended glitch with the arrow move keys was fixed so you can now properly go down through the line platforms. You always could but we found a glitch which prevented it with the arrow keys. To do so you simply crouch first and then tap the jump key to decend through the line platforms. A visual glitch with the laboratory pest was fixed where an unintended line could be seen above it. The Flying Bones enemy's speed was decreased slightly to make them a little easier to deal with. And the title "Medals:" was added to the pause menu so that it's easier to see where your medal count is. We really appreciate the feedback so keep it up!ːsteamhappyː