Version 1.3.0
You can deliver your first dream! By doing so you will unlock the feature of changing your arm colors!
New feature! Assemble your team! You're not alone anymore, choose your teammates, that will help you fight, the more they fight, the more experience they get and level up to get their own unique abilities!
-Added the option to control master volume
-New Intruder - Po Of Lazers
-The gun now is a machine gun permanently
-New Upgrade - Following Coins
-New Upgrade - Kitty Soldier
-New Upgrade - Kitty Burner
-New Upgrade - Kitty Sniper
-New Upgrade - Kitty Blocker
-Added info about halloween enemies and Chasers
-New Abraxas end game messages (so far there was only "Git Gud m8" message)
-bug fixes