A bit of news

Adventures of Red and Carmine

The Adventures of Red is a simple platformer game with soft background music and fun gameplay, find his way through the Cursed Forest and back to his home.

Hi everyone! So the player dies and you start again, and though the things are working fine, the enemies are back and your score has reset. =) I know this can be really annoying and a major rejection feature in a game, especially a small game, so I'm going to start working on it this week, starting today. I'm not sure how long it will take, since I don't just need to do the backend, it needs to be tested and in case it doesn't work one way, I'll have to find another way. It can take a week and it can be done in a few days. I don't know because I'm not a hard core developer, I use tutorials to add features one by one. So I hope all of you can be patient. I will work on the fairy release animations as soon as I'm done with this save game status functionality, and I have also started to increase the speed of various items, including the player, so the game is a little faster. Wish me luck!