900+ Steam reviews for Gamedec! 🎉

Gamedec - Definitive Edition

Gamedec is a single-player cyberpunk isometric RPG. You are a game detective, who solves crimes inside virtual worlds. Use your wits to gather info from your witnesses and suspects, getting to the bottom of deceptive schemes. The game continually adapts to your decisions and never judges.

[h2]Hello, Detectives! 🕵️[/h2] We’ve got some [b]fantastic[/b] news to share – [b]Gamedec has just hit 900 reviews on Steam![/b] 🎉 This is a huge milestone for us, and we couldn’t have done it without your amazing support. Every single review, whether it’s a quick comment or a detailed breakdown, means the world to us ❤️ [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35590813/eae7a50ed8f76258b3bba39ef0d09c4c42a52c55.png[/img] [b]A massive thank you to everyone who’s taken the time to share their thoughts. [/b]Your feedback helps us understand what you love about Gamedec and what we can make even better. Plus, it’s super helpful for other players who are thinking about diving into the game. If you haven’t left a review yet, [b]we’d love to hear from you![/b] Even a few words can make a big difference. Reviews help us grow, reach new players, and learn what worked and what didn't. So, what do you think –[b] can we hit 1000 reviews soon? [/b]With your awesome support, we’re sure we can make it happen. Let’s keep this adventure going strong! 💪 [b]Thanks again for being such an incredible community.[/b] We can’t wait to hear more from you ❤️ /Gamedec Team https://store.steampowered.com/app/917720/Gamedec__Definitive_Edition/ [h3][url=https://store.steampowered.com/developer/AnsharPublishing]🔍 Stay in touch with Anshar Publishing[/url][/h3] [url=https://store.steampowered.com/developer/AnsharPublishing][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35590813/3985d77bdad02bc5ee2732706a8d7f6b84527157.png[/img][/url]