8 July 2022: 13 WOOD ST Remastered


13 WOOD ST, a night in October: a long road, a dark forest and the house mentioned in the last will, making you the owner of a mysterious property. Welcome to 13 WOOD ST, a story rich horror game! Remastered 2022.

SEKS is happy to launch 13 WOOD ST Remastered! Download now! [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1727990/13_WOOD_ST]https://store.steampowered.com/app/1727990/13_WOOD_ST[/url] Read more: [list] [*][url=https://www.13woodst.com/p/media.html#Trailers]13 WOOD ST Remastered - Trailer[/url] [*][url=https://www.13woodst.com/p/media.html#Screenshots]13 WOOD ST Remastered - Screenshots[/url] [/list] Source: [url=https://www.13woodst.com/2022/07/8-july-2022-13-wood-st-remastered.html]https://www.13woodst.com/2022/07/8-july-2022-13-wood-st-remastered.html[/url]