

Male Lord Wu worry because of an accident dying, fell into a coma. Then the mysterious female NPC appeared, creating a different space for Wu Worry to create a chance to save themselves, the protagonist of the game Wu Worry to find out his true love in the end, in order to wake up and survive.

[list] [*] 增加各个角色心动值具体数值的显示 [*] 将刘思瑶婚嫁视频移入番外中 [*] 将角色档案里需要投票数量解锁的花絮视频要求数量降低 [*] 修复成就【探索百分百】\【影片收集达人】\【隐秘搜寻者】无法解锁的问题 [*] 修复部分角色档案里花絮视频无法解锁的问题 [*] 修复序章最后一个视频无法解锁的显示问题 [*] 修复少量视频资源/字幕资源错误的问题 [/list]