50% Off Sale For Lunar New Year!

Multishop Tycoon Deluxe

A simplified business model of food selling shop network. Do your best to become the great businessman in the city. Enjoy the game!

[img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27997093/698468414f598f1a00153893385b4e0e3029a4ab.png[/img] Hello guys, Thank you for all the support and feedbacks so far, we are very grateful of them. As a way to show our appreciation for all your support, we participate on Lunar New Year discount week and happily announce that we are having [b] 50% off sale [/b] for Multishop Tycoon Deluxe. So don’t miss out and grab them while you can! Buy it and prepare yourself to become a successful businessman!