Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, the classic puzzle-solving mystery adventure directed by Ace Attorney creator Shu Takumi, is back! This long-awaited HD remaster features upgraded visuals and sound and new gallery content.
[h1]■Capcom Showcase on Jun. 12th
Don't miss the latest Capcom titles news in the Capcom Showcase on Jun. 12th 3:00 PM PDT!
Check out the official site for more details.
[Info titles] "Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective", "EXOPRIMAL", "Dragon’s Dogma 2" and more
[h1]■40th Anniversary Pack and digital discount taking place!
We are offering a "Capcom 40th Anniversary Pack" for limited time!
Make sure to grab it while it's still available!
[Sale page]
[h1]■The “Capcom Arcade Stadium Complete Pack” that features all 64 titles is now on sale!
All the titles available for “Capcom Arcade Stadium” and “Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium” have been bundled up in the attractively priced “Capcom Arcade Stadium Complete Pack” and is on sale now!
Relive the excitement of the arcade just like you remember it!
If you’ve already purchased some titles included in “Capcom Arcade Stadium” and “Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium” there’s no need to worry. You’ll be able to purchase only the titles you don’t own yet at a reduced price!
Purchase the “Capcom Arcade Stadium Complete Pack” and complete your arcade collection!