We're celebrating Earth Day 2020 with a massive discount!
If you've played SDM, you no doubt noticed the environmental themes told throughout the story. As the Professor struggles to learn how people lived before the "Collapse," she also discovers the impact that civilization had on the planet. She and the Commander seek to answer the question: "[i]what caused the Collapse in the first place?[/i]"
In our struggle to thrive, we must remember that our actions affect more than the humans around us. The consequences of doing "business as usual" have never been more obvious. If nature doesn't survive, neither will we.
If this is your first time seeing Some Distant Memory on your feed, take the plunge! We put a lot of heart into our first narrative game. It's a story of love and survival that you'll never forget.
If you're already a fan of the game, this is the perfect time to spread its theme of planetary awareness. Each review we get on Steam helps put the game in front of more people, and we read every single review that gets posted.
Thank you and [b]HAPPY EARTH DAY![/b]