4/28 Updates


Triumph over the land, take charge of the fate of China! Conquer territories and fly your colors!

■Function Expansion/Adjustments - Added the scenario "Emperor Lu Bu". - Added a function to change sworn siblings to the Result in Edit Events. - Added a function to judge whether officers can become sworn siblings to the Trigger Condition in Edit Events. - Added "Officer City Location" to the Trigger Condition in Edit Events. - Added a function to judge the number of cities controlled by a force to the Trigger Condition in Edit Events. - Added "Existence of Adversary" to the Condition in Edit Events. - Expanded upon features of the Event Editor. - Added a feature to view previously triggered events under Collection. - Improved the selection of officers for AGR or COM in Auto Appoint under Area Government by prioritizing officers with higher effect value. - Now, the AI will more likely intercept enemy units in Veteran and Extreme difficulties. - Now, the AI will more likely target enemy bases belonging to forces with no other bases left. - Now, the AI will less likely form alliances in certain situations. ■Bug fixes - Corrected an issue in which, under certain conditions, the game would stop when a ruler currently marching dies due to an event to replace the ruler. - Now, original traits without any effect cannot be created in Edit Orig. Traits. - Other issues and typographical errors were corrected. Please see the official website for details. ■Function Expansion/Adjustments - Improved the selection of officers for AGR or COM in Auto Appoint under Area Government by prioritizing officers with higher effect value. ■Bug fixes - Corrected an issue in which, under certain conditions, the game would stop when a ruler currently marching dies due to an event to replace the ruler. - Other issues and typographical errors were corrected. Please see the official website for details.