3 Free Games in Stay At Home Giveaway!

200% Mixed Juice!

200% Mixed Juice! is the 10th Anniversary game of OrangeJuice, an old school RPG featuring a 200% mix of OrangeJuice characters.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/4220499/3fc6a4a55e44e90abed0ca873e1ec7a83f43d139.png[/img] Hello all! We're announcing a new step in our #StayAtHome campaign: until [b]March 30, 10:00 PST[/b], 3 of our popular games by developer Orange Juice are [b]free on Steam[/b]: https://store.steampowered.com/app/282800/100_Orange_Juice/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/335190/200_Mixed_Juice/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/390710/Acceleration_of_SUGURI_2/ During this giveaway, you may [b]permanently add the 3 games to your Steam account free of charge[/b], with no limitations! We’re taking part in a global effort to encourage people to stay at home and self-isolate during this difficult time, without adding to their financial stress. This giveaway is the latest step in our ongoing #StayAtHome campaign. All 3 of the giveaway games were chosen primarily for their multiplayer component, and we hope they can entertain you for many days to come. Let's all stay home and play together!