末日竟在我身边3 - 陆琦第7部独立游戏作品

末日竟在我身边 - Zombies Everywhere

When you are holed up alone in a room for 100 days, your food and strength are running out. Outside the corridor, the Walking Dead are walking around. From time to time, there are screams of pain and terror. If there is a future at the end of the world, what will you do on the 101st day?

游戏介绍 丧尸病毒爆发第101天。你是一位超市顾客,在你进入超市抢购物资的时候,丧尸潮包围了整栋商业大楼。你凭着本能躲进了洗手间的隔间。一旦离开这个房间,你随时可能遭到丧尸的攻击。你已经100天没有离开过洗手间了,马桶的异味令你无法冷静思考。你对等待救援早已失去了耐心,所以你决定孤注一掷……如果末世真有未来,第101天你会怎么做? 游戏商店页 [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/2148280/]https://store.steampowered.com/app/2148280/[/url] 玩家交流无限欢乐 官方QQ交流群:582118652