[3.3.1] - 2023-10-17

College Kings 2 - Episode 1

College Kings 2 is the highly anticipated sequel to the popular choice-driven Adult Visual Novel. Dive into a world of parties, sex and love as a college freshman and make your wildest fantasies come true.

[h3]Removed[/h3] [list] [*] Removed incorrect statement from the pathbuilder [/list] [h3]Fixed[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed being able to infinitely talk to Sam/DJ ([#2059](https://github.com/College-Kings-2/issues/2059)) [*] Fixed being able to infinitely talk to Apes/Wolves ([#2056](https://github/College-Kings-2/issues/2056)) [*] Fixed Faris missing a pfp causing game crash, now default to Chloe pfp ([#2057](https://github.com/College-Kings/College-Kings-2/issues/2057)) [*] Fixed spelling of Elijah [*] Fixed game crashing when making Penelope a margarita, or advising her to drink water [*] Fixed game crashing upon loading save due to old Enums [/list]