3.03 Released.

Momo's Mansion

Fun and cute RPG about a loveable cat named MOMO who goes on a epic adventure. Family friendly content for all ages. DID WE MENTION CATS!?!?

Heeey all! I hope everyone is having an amazing day! We added some new enemies to the game in version 3.03 but will keep it quite general to avoid spoilers!! -Added another boss in the Catacombs. Caution on this one, it's not for the lower levels... -In the "Cat Canal" land areas (both sides) you will find "Cat Hunter Garden Dwarf" and "Cat Hunter Warrior Dwarf". Your party could face MULTIPLE enemies at once. -You will also find a new dungeon in that area (Cat Canal) that has a new enemy (there is a different version of that certain enemy as well). -Inside the Mountain, you will be able to battle a new creation!!! -Inside the farm you can rumble with 2 versions of a certain character. For the first encounter, just talk to the bat! ... To start the next fight just search the same spot! -Adjusted the tent bug to drop XP now! -Fluffy's Arena in "The Green Mountains" now gives you a prompt before the next round so you can back out (to heal / save etc). Fixed a couple small stuff and probably added other things. The game now has over 100 maps! We hope you enjoy playing it! -NCG-