28/11/2021 Patch Notes

Geneforge 1

Geneforge is an Indie fantasy role-playing game, the first game in the five-part Geneforge Saga. It features an enormous world, the ability to create your own army of lethal, totally obedient creatures, and a cunning enemy AI with foes who can go on patrols, stalk you, and run for help. Geneforge has a huge and open storyline.

[h3]Localization[/h3] - Fixed minor localization and overlapping issues on all platforms and languages: - On PlayStation™ Network pop-up message - On the EULA refusal error message - On Robin and Tooke cosmetics - In the tutorial - On Graveyard and Storgramand (Mountain) maps [h3]Stability[/h3] - [PC] Fixed a crash when pressing alt+tab upon finishing a game - [XB1] Fixed a rare crash when leaving and launching a lot of State Heist in a row - [All] Fixed a crash that could occur on the respawn screen after dying [h3]Eidaa[/h3] - [All] Fixed Eidaa’s barricade indefinitely remaining if activated when dying - [All] Fixed Eidaa’s barricade not being deployed upon activation and ability meter being blocked until respawning when pressing simultaneously the ability input and another input. - [All] Fixed Eidaa’s evade animations - [All] Fixed Eidaa’s audio line not fading out when selecting her and reopening the character selection menu [h3]Gameplay[/h3] - [All] Fixed bug that would leave a Robin or Marianne indefinitely unable to shoot/fire after running out of stamina while aiming or charging a shot in the gas cloud from Tooke’s gear - [All] Fixed bug where players could get the chest stuck below a rope on the Marshland map - [All] Fixed bug where players would clip through the portcullis gate instead of dying when it closes on them during a high alert - [All] Fixed bug where player wouldn’t get XP for completing objectives if they are on the respawn screen as the match ends. - [All] Fixed collision issue that would allow player to walk in the air nearby the Keep on the Marshland map [h3]User Interface[/h3] - [All] Added a timer notification on the Battlepass content for the Season duration - [PS4] Fixed the "Failed to create Custom Game" pop-up window that couldn’t be dismissed by pressing X - [All] Fixed lack of feedback when trying to invite someone into a full squad - [All] Fixed bug preventing from joining a squad because « Squad is full » although only one player has joined the squad - [All] Fixed lock-on marker remaining on the AI when in ghost mode in State Heists - [PC] Fixed right-click scrlling bug in Weapon and Clothing shops