
太吾绘卷 The Scroll Of Taiwu

*The Scroll of Taiwu* is an indie game based on Chinese mythology and Wuxia tales. You will play as a "successor of Taiwu" in a fictional universe, defeating your greatest enemy under the effort and sacrifice of many generations and change the fate of humankind.

[h3][b]修复错误:[/b][/h3] 1.修复特殊人物的资质未显示的BUG 2.修复反震类护体功法未移除已失效的反震伤害信息的BUG 3.修复长途旅行中会遇到婴儿并与其交互的BUG 4.修复当存档中没有能够还原的存档时,还原按钮依然处于可点击状态的显示BUG 5.修复结束奇遇出神之地后,所有紫竹化身剑柄技能降级的BUG 6.修复狮相门地区剧情奇遇狮相绝艺终点文案部分缺失的BUG