22 Hours left to back Help Will Come Tomorrow!


Apocalipsis is a point-and-click adventure game, in the vain of Samorost and Machinarium, where all puzzles have a hidden meaning. With a unique artstyle inspired by 15th century engravings it tells a story about heartbreak, redemption and, quite literally, the end of the world.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33938074/4bc41591b6f0d5431ecda4ad9d5364c548ab2b8d.jpg[/img] Survivors! There are only 24h left to support Help Will Come Tomorrow on Kickstarter! We are very close to funding additional testing and QA for Nintendo Switch version. We are only $679 away! Can you help us make it? Campaign ends on March 20 at 3PM CET (8AM PT, 17:00 MSK)! Klabater.com/HWCT_Kickstarter