2024 Champion Spotlight: Rosie

Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms

Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms is a Dungeons & Dragons strategy management game uniting characters from throughout the D&D multiverse into a grand adventure.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/29347222/e81b2b6db03ddb81aaaf4c27526cf6f299d7caa2.png[/img][list][i]Weighing in at just under 30 pounds and with a grandmotherly demeanor befitting her advanced age, Rosie Beestinger is easily mistaken for someone on the wrong side of the 'aggressor/victim' relationship. But this is a mix-up that few people make more than once.[/i][/list] Originally released in March 2019, Rosie Beestinger is a sassy Halfling Shadow Monk created by Kate Welch for Acquisitions Inc: The "C" Team. And now it is time for a Rosie rework! Rosie has been significantly reworked to better lean into her niches - adventures with ranged enemies, and formations with younger Champions. In addition, she has been given a new niche as the first Champion who can affect the BUD decay rate. For more information about Rosie's updated design, read on... [h1]Rosie Beestinger[/h1] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/29347222/8b673403bc625a4902425a0e792c30be230747ca.jpg[/img] [table noborder=1 equalcells=1] [tr] [td]Rosie [b]NAME[/b] [/td] [td]10 [b]SEAT[/b] [/td] [td]2.5% [b]CRIT CHANCE[/b] [/td] [td]100% [b]CRIT DAMAGE[/b] [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Female(She/Her) [b]GENDER[/b] [/td] [td]110 [b]AGE[/b] [/td] [td]Chaotic Good [b]ALIGNMENT[/b] [/td] [td]5 [b]OVERWHELM[/b] [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Halfling [b]SPECIES[/b] [/td] [td]Monk [b]CLASS[/b] [/td] [td]DPS [b]ROLES[/b] [/td] [td]Acq Inc "C" Team [b]AFFILIATION[/b] [/td] [/tr] [/table] [table] [tr] [td][b]STR: 8[/b] [/td] [td][b]DEX: 16 [/b] [/td] [td][b]CON: 12 [/b] [/td] [td][b]INT: 12 [/b] [/td] [td][b]WIS: 14 [/b] [/td] [td][b]CHA: 14 [/b] [/td] [td][b]TOT: 76 [/b] [/td] [/tr] [/table] [b]Patron Eligibility:[/b] Mirt, Elminster (until September 11th, 2027) [h2]Abilities[/h2] [h3]Basic Attack[/h3] [list] [*] [b]Shadow Step[/b] - Rosie Shadow Steps behind one of the three closest enemies at random and hits them with a flurry of blows. [/*][/list] [h3]Formation Abilities[/h3] [list] [*][b]Sassy[/b] - Rosie deals +400% increased damage for every Champion in the formation younger than she is, stacking multiplicatively.[/*] [*][b]Deflect Missiles[/b] - Rosie gains a deflect stack every time she attacks. She can store up to 100 deflect stacks at once. Whenever an enemy attacks the formation with a ranged/magic attack, Rosie consumes a deflect stack and reflects it back at the attacker. The reflected attack deals Rosie's damage with a 100% additively increased chance of dealing a critical hit. This effect can trigger as often as necessary, as long as Rosie has deflect stacks available.[/*] [*][b]Timeless Body[/b] - Rosie gains a Timeless Body stack every time she successfully deflects a ranged/magic attack with Deflect Missiles. For each Timeless Body stack she has, Rosie increases the effect of Sassy by 1%, stacking additively. Stacks persist between adventures.[/*] [*][b]Slow Decay[/b] - Whenever Rosie is your BUD-setting Champion, the rate of BUD decay is decreased by 50%.[/*] [*][b]Shadow Arts[/b] - Rosie's critical hit damage is increased by 100% for every 100 levels she has been leveled up, stacking multiplicatively. Additionally, for every 4th attack, Rosie makes a Shadow Arts attack that deals 10 seconds worth of BUD damage to all enemies in a small area.[/*][/list] [h3]Specializations A[/h3] [list] [*][b]Matriarch[/b] - Increases the effect of Sassy by 100% for every Female or Nonbinary Champion in the formation who is younger than Rosie, stacking multiplicatively.[/*] [*][b]Familiar Friends[/b] - Increases the effect of Sassy by 100% for every Champion in the formation that belongs to the "C"-team, Acquisitions Incorporated, or Wafflecrew affiliations, stacking multiplicatively.[/*] [*][b]Grandmother Night[/b] - Increases the effect of Sassy by 100% for every Champion in the formation that is a Halfling, Rogue, or Monk, stacking multiplicatively.[/*][/list] [h3]Specializations B[/h3] [list][*][b]Grandma-Bod[/b] - The damage bonus provided by Timeless Body stacks is increased by 200%, and whenever she deflects a ranged/magic attack with [b]Deflect Missiles[/b] she gains 4 stacks of Timeless Body instead of 1.[/*] [*][b]Busy Beestinger[/b] - Rosie's attack speed cooldown is lowered by 0.5 seconds (stacking additively) and her damage is increased by 400% (stacking multiplicatively) for each member of the "C"-Team in the formation, including herself.[/*] [*][b]Slower Decay[/b] - Increases Rosie's critical hit damage by 600% and the effect of Slow Decay is set to 75%.[/*][/list] [h3]Ultimate Ability[/h3] [list] [*][b]Grammamancy[/b] - Rosie roots all enemies in place for 5 seconds and becomes a blur of movement, pummeling up to 10 enemies on screen for ultimate damage, and refilling her deflect stacks to max.[/*][/list] [h3]Equipment[/h3] [table noborder=1 ] [tr] [td]Self DPS Buff [b]SLOT 1[/b] [/td] [td]Specializations A [b]SLOT 2[/b] [/td] [td]Sassy [b]SLOT 3[/b] [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Timeless Body [b]SLOT 4[/b] [/td] [td]Specializations B [b]SLOT 5[/b] [/td] [td]Ultimate Cooldown Buff [b]SLOT 6[/b] [/td] [/tr] [/table] [h2]Feats[/h2] [h3]Uncommon[/h3] [list] [*][b]Tavern Brawler[/b] Increases the damage of Rosie by 30% [/*] [*][b]Grandmother Night[/b] Increases the effect of Rosie's [i]Sassy[/i] ability by 20% [/*] [*][b]Halfling from Toril[/b] Increases the effect of Rosie's [i]Timeless Body[/i] ability by 20% [/*] [*][b]Best Damn Grandma[/b] Increases the effect of Rosie's Matriarch, Familiar Friends, and Grandmother Night abilities by 20% [/*] [*] [b]Tactical Prowess[/b] Additively increases the Crit Chance of Rosie by 5% [/*] [*][b]Devastating Impact[/b] Increases the Crit Damage of Rosie by 30% [/*][/list] [h3]Rare[/h3] [list] [*][b]Grappler[/b] Increases the damage of Rosie by 60% [/*] [*][b]Sassiest Grandma[/b] Increases the effect of Rosie's [i]Sassy[/i] ability by 40% [/*] [*][b]These Hands Catch[/b] Increases max stacks of [i]Deflect Missiles[/i] by 50 [/*] [*][b]Shadow Routine[/b] Increases the effect of Rosie's [i]Timeless Body[/i] ability by 40% [/*] [*][b]Beestinger Reunion[/b] Increases the effect of Rosie's Matriarch, Familiar Friends, and Grandmother Night abilities by 40% [/*] [*][b]Not Your Grandma's Grandma[/b] Increases the effect of Rosie's Grandma-Bod, Busy Beestinger, and Slower Decay abilities by 40% [/*] [*][b]Keen Mind[/b] Increases the Intelligence score of Rosie by 1 [/*] [*][b]Battle Expertise[/b] Additively increases the Crit Chance of Rosie by 10% [/*] [*][b]Cataclysmic Strike[/b] Increases the Crit Damage of Rosie by 60% [/*][/list] [h3]Epic[/h3] [list] [*][b]G-Ma Workout Routine[/b] Increases the bonus Timeless Body stacks provided by Grandma-Bod by 100% [b][i]Unlockable in the Harvestguard Rosie Theme Pack[/i][/b] [/*] [*][b]Tenacious[/b] Increases the Constitution score of Rosie by 2 [b][i]Unlockable as a Tier 3 Event Reward[/i][/b] [/*] [*][b]Heavy Lifter[/b] Increases the Strength score of Rosie by 2 [b][i]Unlockable as a Tier 4 Event Reward[/i][/b] [/*] [/list] [h3]We Want YOUR Feedback[/h3] We want to hear about your experiences in Idle Champions! Your participation and feedback have brought us this far, and we would love to have you join our community on one of our official platforms: [list][*]The [url=https://discord.gg/idlechampions]Official Idle Champions Discord.[/url][/*] [*]The [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/idlechampions/]Official Idle Champions Subreddit[/url].[/*] [*]Follow us on [url=https://twitter.com/idlechampions]Twitter[/url], [url=https://www.facebook.com/idlechampions]Facebook[/url], or [url=https://www.instagram.com/idle_champions/]Instagram[/url].[/*][/list]