

The first work of an independent small team, many deficiencies, please do not hesitate to correct! We will fix and update your problems as soon as possible. The scholar's career is not good and he retires to the countryside. Intertwined with the fate of five different styles of women.

古代风流传—入京赶考篇更新内容: 1.增加全新场景地图—皇城及相关建筑 2.添加新的游戏视角—2.5D游玩方式 3.增加3名全新NPC角色—小素 老板娘 海尼耶 4.增加全新故事及剧情内容 5.增加所有攻略角色回忆功能—可在同住时触发 6.增加场景小游戏—考试及入室救援