2024/06/16 Update Patch v0.16.2.0

The Unnamed Game Playtest

An update has been released. Changes are as follow: [list] [*] Fullscreen mode is now supported, and enabled by default. [*] Added a checkbox on the options menu to toggle the fullscreen mode. [*] Added a checkbox on the login menu to remember the player login and password. [*] Added a button on the characters menu to log out of the current account. [*] Waypoints usage now has a fee based on the travel distance and difficulty mode. [*] Watertown's merchant base items damage now scales by difficulty. [*] Watertown's merchant items prices have been increased on Nightmare and Hell difficulties. [*] Added a mousewheel hint icon next to the active weapon on the top-left corner of the screen. [*] Fixed a bug where the rain in the lobby map would not cover the whole screen. [/list] Thank you for your interest in The Unnamed Game!