[2024-04-07] Game Update


Threat Actor is a cybercrime-themed RTS game featuring a series of campaign maps, each of them with increasingly complex mechanics and objectives.

New update went live, adding early versions of a moderator mechanic and a system to transfer resources between buildings. The player will need to place a Chatroom which yields Population and then direct the population to an Entry Point where the player can assign a moderator that will "verify" the population by completing the applicants minigame and yield some Money and Verified Accounts (which have no use yet). The same goes for the buildings that gather proxies/combolists etc., these will need to route their output to a Trade Point. The applicant minigame was reworked because it was a bit mundane/boring. Instead the minigame now focuses on applying different categories to given applicant based on the dialogue. You can do the minigame either yourself or assign a moderator to it. The new mechanics are in alpha version and there's still lots to do, e.g. for now you don't need to pay your moderators and there aren't many buildings yet. There is also no tutorial yet so the game might be confusing.