20230309版本更新 Version update


This is an independently developed game based on Chinese folklore zombies. It tells the story of the player playing the role of demon catcher who goes deep into the ancient town of corpses and subdues the zombies through level by level investigation.

1、降低漫漫长夜关卡难度 1. Reduce the difficulty of full night level 2、增加漫漫长夜新敌人野狗 2、dd the new enemy wild dog in the long night 3、删除漫漫长夜AI队友及狂暴僵尸 3、Delete AI teammates and furious zombies full of night 【公告及更新预告】[Announcement and update notice] 1、原本计划3.8女神节上线的《旱神之怒》提前开测,目前版本仅为测试版本(主要测试难度及玩法),正式版本将在3.8号正式上线。 1、The original planned launch of "The Wrath of the God of Drought" on the 3.8 Goddess Festival welcomed the feedback.The current version is only a test version (mainly test difficulty and play method), and the official version will be officially launched on the 3.8. 2、因为毕竟一个人开发,能力有限,英文几乎机翻,如有文字错误的地方,还请与我反馈,谢谢! 2. Because after all, I am a person with limited ability to develop, and my English is almost translated by computer. If there is any text error, please also feedback with me, thank you!