
Engine Evolution 2021

Engine Evolution is a multiplayer racing game that uses principles similar to those of the World of Tanks. With each PvP race against 11 other players, you gain experience and credits, which you can use to buy various upgrades or unlock the next motorbike.

[b]Champion of the day[/b] - You can join qualifying before 20:08 (As previously). - You can then join the race until 20:13 as last on the grid. - As as soon as you enter, you will be on the leaderboard - Mode is now EU only [b]Audio[/b] - Fans now produce noises. - Nature now produces ambient noises as well - Fixed wind effects after the race [b]Graphics[/b] - More realistic vehicle paint - Updated textures for Formula 1968, Hondo 166, Gustav Havel, and Nocemed 1951 [b]Physics[/b] - Updated formula physics [b]Tracks[/b] - Prince terrain fixes