200% Mixed Juice! Now Available!

200% Mixed Juice!

200% Mixed Juice! is the 10th Anniversary game of OrangeJuice, an old school RPG featuring a 200% mix of OrangeJuice characters.

[img]https://fruitbatfactory.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/151.png[/img] Orange Juice's new RPG 200% Mixed Juice! is now [url=http://store.steampowered.com/app/335190]available on Steam[/url]! Game features: [list] [*]Over 80 unique characters to befriend and do battle with [*]Cutting-edge graphics to amaze your friends and neighbors with [*]A stunning digital soundtrack [*]Online multiplayer[/list] Owners of 200% Mixed Juice! will immediately unlock a special bonus version of Marie Poppo in [url=http://store.steampowered.com/app/282800]100% Orange Juice[/url]. Be ready to wreak havoc with her chaotic new Hyper Card, Subspace Tunnel!