
The Territory of Egg

The Territory of Egg is a unique twist on tower defense game. You need to build defense lines with egg warriors to protect the Holy Egg, the core of all eggs. Remember to upgrade your Tech Tree with the resources you've collected and unlock more skills to fight against the evil monsters.

大家好!《蛋丸之地2》的开发工作正在收尾!完整版预计下周初步开发完毕,不过仍需进行进一步的优化以及改进。目前计划下周开始进行持续两周的封闭内测,测试玩家可以限时的提前玩到《蛋丸之地2》完整版~测试时间将覆盖国庆假期,感兴趣的玩家可以加入QQ玩家群:646760458,查看群公告参加测试~ 本作相较1代游戏新增更强大的‘英灵蛋’以及配套天赋树,更有多种困难模式可供挑战,塔防体验进一步丰富!