12.29 2.24.7 Update


Mobius band * is a novella visual novel game. In such an era, everyone is powerless to care for others. Under the skin of prosperous civilization, it is a veritable hell. In the war that has not yet subsided, how will they choose in the end——

[h1]Hibiscus[/h1] [list] [*] If the text starts with a line break, save, load the save file and save again, the save message changes to #NULL [*] Using space and mouse wheel doesn't skip the performance [*] When keep shake is turned off, the shutdown animation is also shown in fast-forward mode. [*] Zooming, rotating, and moving performances can now be skipped. [*] Memory leak when saving images if the image to be saved is not legal [*] reset font doesn't work in format control [*] If saving a file without recording a character and reading that file after recording that character, the character's separate voice sequence ID is incorrectly calculated from zero [/list] [h1]Mobius[/h1] [list] [*] When entering the save page, the default "System will load file #1" is displayed in the lower left corner before the mouse action triggers a refresh. [/list] [i]If a voice offset has been triggered and saved at that time, please read a save file from a period when the bug was not triggered, e.g., as the first line of current chapter's history log[/i]