12.16 Test Service Update Announcement



1, the new hell secret, rumor has a great ability to open up the reincarnation tower, the aftermath destroyed the space, obliterated the avenue. In the city of Tianyuan (-260.260), there is a space crack that can lead to a mysterious space, which is very vicious ghosts, and monks who have not been certified to be immortal should not go! Otherwise it's not worth losing your life! PS: This scene is a bit difficult, these ghost repair attributes are all the Taoist friends of the archive. 2, Add hell crystal, Hell secret output, after use can add an additional attribute to the magic weapon. 3. Now taking a break with Tao Partner can increase the success rate of Tao Partner's breakthrough. Harmony of Yin and Yang, this is the road! 4. Optimize the setting of likability and make the increase or decrease of likability more reasonable 5, optimize the value of the reverse injury, slightly weakened some of the damage caused by the reverse injury 6. Fixed the BUG of participating in the sword fight 7. Fix other bugs and improve the game experience