11 Major Updates


Orbs is a truly unique science-fiction multiplayer online role playing game featuring an open world where players are sent to explore, control and rule futuristic and mysterious zones in order to discover their secrets.

Hello, since the launch on Steam a lot has been improved in the game. The game has received more than 11 updates since then. Here is a very short summary of what has changed so far: Agent Power, Daily Sociality, Monitor, Home Zone, Charge Zone, Orb Models, Gravitation Storms, Key Movement, Sphere, Reflection, Multiplicator Display Agents have a little more power with special commands to help out normal players better. They can assist you when in trouble. Whenever you join the game for the first time of the day, you will receive a small Sociality bonus. New monitor screen. It is a replacement for the Benefits screen. The monitor can display a lot more information. Not all of the items are implemented yet. The Home Zone has been visually improved and the Universal Log and Affiliation screens have been removed. Those screen are now part of the new monitor. The Charge zone has been pimped up, it now has animated environment models, special thanks to Mortifero for his awesome work! Orbs now have their own models. Infiltration, Exploration and Gravitation orbs are already implemented and more will follow. Yet another new mechanic made it to the game: Gravitation Storms. Those storms will appear when you are too strong for the level you are in. They will chase and try to catch you. When you touch them, they will drain acceleration from your orb, so be careful! It is a good idea to proceed to the next level when you encounter storms. Players are now able to move their orb with the WASD keys. You can check a setting to switch between both modes. Module activation works a little bit different then. While key movement is set, you can press a module’s hot key, then prepare it by holding down the left mouse button and activate the module by releasing it. A new Energy module can be found now: Sphere. It will shoot out an energy pulse towards the target location and split into lots of smaller ones when colliding. Another new module: Reflection. With Reflection activated, a portion of any incoming damage is reflected to it’s source. Last but not least a new UI area called Multiplicators is now active. It can be compared to active “buffs” you know from other games. It displays all modified multiplicators that are applied to your orb. Be sure to hover over them to learn what they mean and how they work. Of course, tons of bug fixes and optimizations were also applied, increasing your overall gameplay experience. That’s it! Have fun! BlueScreen