10 Second Ninja X Demo Now Flipping Out

10 Second Ninja X

10 SECOND NINJA X is a hardcore sidescroller. You're a ninja, there are robots, you've got ten seconds to destroy them all. Get three star ratings, climb leaderboards, discover secrets and stop Captain Greatbeard.

The name of 10 Second Ninja X [official site] gives the game away: you have ten seconds to demonstrate ninja prowess. And, uh, maybe the X is crossbones because the bad guy is a pirate? It’s a zippy time trial murderplatformer split into levels with ten-second time limits – ten seconds to flip around, flip out, and kill people. It’s launching next week but a demo is already out and has a little bonus: the more people complete levels, the larger the game’s launch discount will be.

… [visit site to read more]