10 Days to Release! New Demo available in 12 languages!

Thief Simulator 2: Prologue

Tired of political exploitation? Join me and let's rebuild our thieving business together! Let's steal cars, radios, and TVs - anything that catches your eye can be yours! Recall what it's like to be a thief in Thief Simulator 2: Prologue!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40415236/657f7677b959d188fd5721f7a862bceeab35b128.png[/img] Only 10 days till the release of Thief Simulator 2 on Steam! We all know that some of you can't wait so we just dropped the updated Demo of Thief Simulator 2 available in 12 languages! You can download it here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1838570 ๐ŸŒ Languages ๐ŸŒŽ [list][*] English [*] Polish [*] French [*] German [*] Italian [*] Japanese [*] Korean [*] Portuguese [*] Russian [*] Spanish [*] Turkish [*] Chinese (Simplified)[/list] [h2]Did you find a bug? [/h2] Found something that doesnโ€™t sound right? Have you spotted an awkward translation or found any issues with the game? Drop us a line in this thread: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1332720/discussions/1/ . Your sharp eyes will help make the game even better for everyone. [h2]Discount[/h2] We would also like to thank you for your INSANE support! We just reached 1st milestone in the Discount Challenge! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40415236/9fe29821935e4caf52dea8c4eabf2b2099b10586.jpg[/img] Stay sneaky!