更新(10) 前期引导&羊皮纸使用提示的优化

Roam Across

Civil war continues down south, even the emperor bows to the mighty warlords. Han Empire will soon divide into THREE KINGDOMS. What should the young master do to keep his tribesmen on prairie safe and sound? Everything is in the turn-based RPG: Roam Across.

本次更新主要包括前期的引导及羊皮纸使用的提示的优化。 之前收到反馈的战斗中极偶然会出现的卡顿问题仍在排查中。目前尚未复现,如果您有遇到相同或类似的问题,欢迎随时通过Q群:772400787 或邮件 xingdiwujiangsteam@outlook.com反馈!