1.92 Alpha - Update

Time For Quest

Let's go for unforgettable journey! Experience amazing moments in the Time For Quest universe! Sail the sea! Fight the biggest beasts in the world! Gain new skills! Get the best weapon of all time and become the greatest hero ever! Take your chance!

[i][u][b]Update date: March 30, 2020[/b][/u][/i] [b][h1]What's new?[/h1][/b] [list] [*] New quests on early stages. [*] New NPCs. [*] New dialogues in several cities. [*] New items. [*] Grammarly issue. [/list] Our goal now is to add a lot more interactive things and items. Add more quests, add more subjects and maps. Then we will be ready to leave Alpha and work on the grammar and adding new characters and new languages. Thank you very much for support the game! We Love you! Best regards Blacer Studio