A Magical High School Girl / 魔法の女子高生

"The magic beckons you." A Magical High School Girl is a magic crafting rogue-like RPG! The only weapon you possess is the magic you conjure from within. You can freely name your magic. The elemental properties and effects are generated automatically with what you typed in.

A Magical High School Girl has been patched with the following changes: 1.700   When enemies are defeated, you can now see the amount of EXP that is received.   High/Low Performance Mode has been added to the Configuration menu.   Fixed a bug where the sound of some recalled magic was too loud.   The attack wait time of summoned monsters has been adjusted.   Fixed a bug where the game would crash if some items are used in the Witches' Village.   Fixed some internal processes that had severe delays.   Other minor bug fixes. 1.700  敵を倒したとき、経験値が目に見えるようになりました。  コンフィグに「リッチモード / 低負荷モード」を追加しました。  召還魔法の音が大きすぎた問題の修正  召喚したマモノの攻撃のウェイトを調整  魔女の集落で一部アイテムを使うとフリーズしてしまう問題の修正  一部処理が無駄にかかっていた箇所の修正  その他軽微な不具合調整