1.2 Patch Details

Godly Corp

An intern in an intergalactic corporation managing the universe. Use your tentacle to perform unusual office tasks and try to not destroy all life on the planets you look after. Every day brings completely new challenges. Expect everything - chainsaw robots, bug infestation, space trips, and more.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32096095/a5b48faba13b1e20be67a792d67fde5c8f83a717.png[/img] Details for the latest patch: - Now you can sort Leaderboards by any level you want to see the best players in each level - You can view only friends on Leaderboards to quickly and easily check who is the greatest employee - Slides in the Credits are now changing slightly slower - Level 3 Robbery - Added reminder about pushing the Start Button - Level 4 Squeeze it - Crystals are heating slower on Normal and Easy difficulty - Level 14 Simon Says - Longer timers for entering the right pattern on Easy difficulty - Level 15 Final Test - Improved animations for mechanical arms taking and giving items - Aaand many other minor bug fixes If you have any feedback please share it in the community hub, discord or mail me.