1.1.4 Update Notes

Encoded War

Here is the 5-year contract to get your son back. You must become the morse messenger during World War II. Each day comes with new tasks to overcome and challenge your morse coding skill.

[h1]Version 1.1.4 Update Notes[/h1] [h2]New Features:[/h2] [list] [*]Implemented submit input event. [*]Added hotkey for submit button. [*]Added rule book page for New Game Plus. [/list] [h2]Improvements:[/h2] [list] [*]Adjusted story music, credits, and main menu. [*]Modified L and M achievements. [*]Retranslated story dialogue and starting letter. [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes:[/h2] [list] [*]Fixed Steam achievement not being triggered. [*]Fixed new game button malfunction. [*]Fixed urgent time locked at 6 seconds. [/list]