1.1.1 Patch notes: Movement update

Cards with Personalities

Cards with Personalities is a single-player deck-building game full of charm!

[h2]Hi![/h2] This became a medium sized patch, hope you have a good holiday and see you next year! - You can now read about the mouth's abilities during gameplay - Highlight what card is selected in the lane row when lane row is not selected - Reset boss selection after each turn - Fix some particles spawning too often [h3]New Card[/h3] Overworked Programmer! New effect: Boost all your current gold cards by 1 [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42952595/a8e799738889320a50d1fcc059203bf274058080.png[/img] [h3]Balance changes[/h3] [b]Double Agent Witch[/b] + Also gains 1 attack [i]Stay awesome! / Sebastian[/i]