九霄风云录 Legends Of The Divine Land

This is a deck-building Roguelike game with simple operation but super playability. How to play: Select a level to break through, and after passing the level, choose a fellow Taoist to join the team. Daoists will have skills to increase each other's attack power, choose the team reasonably.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43826630/d95448e5c231f6cfce1b1eb1c0a2e3c5f59223e2.png[/img] 版本1.0.6更新日志: 1.新增门派二次元宗,包含7个角色:炮姐,那美,麻依,纲大妈,白呆,黑呆,女仆 2.增加战斗动画的倍速功能 3.道友羁绊处单个道具增加的好感度调整为5点,增加一键勾选按钮 4.设置页面分辨率优化 5.新增功能关卡的音效 6.优化灵宝神器增幅动画 7.调整日月金轮的灵宝效果 bug修复: 1.修复多把昊天剑对空格的攻击力加层未累加的bug 2.冰魄玉珏的加成bug修复 3.修复”特定卡中任意n张同时出战本局特定卡加攻击并移除”类神器的触发条件需要不同身份道友的bug 4.修复泰山压顶和万剑归宗成就没有正确触发的bug 5.修正繁体中文、英文下部分文本显示错误 6.修复切换语言后再切换分辨率导致的bug