1.0.1 Patch

The Mansion of The Macabre

Explore the Crowley Manor and unravel the secrets of the Occult. Inspired by the Works of HP Lovecraft and a love letter to classic 90’s survival horror games.

[b]**Graphical**[/b] [list] [*] We have improved the lighting and added ambient occlusion, along with more depth to the areas of the mansion. [*] We have fixed a bug where wall textures and certain object textures were not rendering properly and were very dark, making them appear as they were untextured. [*] We have added specular and highlight effects on metallic and shiny objects which was missing before. [*] We have fixed a rendering distance bug during the fight against the final boss due to a culling bug, making the back of the tree appear missing. [*] We have fixed the texturing of Crowley Manor on the ending scene which was too bright before. [*] We have fixed incorrect lighting on certain objects, making them stand out against the background too much. [*] We have fixed a bug where area geometry would corrupt or glitch out when opening the door to the cellar. [*] We have fixed the glass panes in the windows not rendering properly and appearing transparent. [/list] [b]**Performance**[/b] [list] [*]The game has now been completely optimized and will no longer lag or drop frame rates which also affected the physics in the game, this was due to intense raycasting performed by the lighting which has now been addressed. We have additionally optimized the entire code so runtime performance is on par with the upcoming console releases. [*]The game is no longer capped at 60FPS and will attempt to run at your monitor's native refresh rate set in Windows Display Settings. [/list] [b]**Softlocks**[/b] [list] [*] We have fixed a bug which would softlock the game showing the camera of the attic instead of where the player left off when loading a save or returning to the mansion from the underground, which would result in the inability to continue playing without starting over. [*] We have fixed a bug where randomly the boss would spawn the fireball and crash the game. [*] We have fixed a softlock that could occur when attempting to pick up the Mirrors from the drawer if the inventory was already full. [*] We have fixed a softlock that could occur if the barrels had not been moved in the cellar before trying to return from the underground, resulting in the player getting stuck. [*] We have fixed a softlock that could occur when attempting to pick up the sabre if the inventory is full. [*] We have fixed a softlock on the stairs after defeating the night gaunt which would block entry randomly. [/list] [b]**General Bugs & Fixes**[/b] [list] [*] We have fixed a bug where pushing the cabinet in front of the window would not block the enemy from entering randomly. [*] We have fixed a bug with save files and the preview not updating properly to the selected file, making it appear as if the save wasn't successful. [/list]