Patch - Bugfixes, and support for custom localization

Mosaique Neko Waifus

Hentai puzzler, micro visual novel, with a sprinkle of RPG. All the neko girls in town heard all about you, now they can finally meet you!

The idea with the bug reporting menu option was a jackpot. Thanks to that we were able to add some fixes: • Extras menu pointing to "Hentai Mosaique Fix IT Shoppe" rather than "Hentai Mosaique Neko Waifus" - fixed • The wrong image on one of Jiya-s puzzles - fixed • Small graphical glitches when selecting solved images in a lower right-hand menu in "photos" - fixed • The new sticky-phone functionality not working very good with the level up skill button - fixed [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36555566/18182a6583fc47b9c2c03de393cd35c6c459bdb0.png[/img] Additionally, from time to time, we get a person that wants to do a better translation for their language version of the game. To make things easier for those brave souls we have built-in customization of localization of any language available in the game. It's quite easy, you just need to swap files from one folder to another. Have fun with that! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36555566/db73e0bf7a4d54cddab7e6c95b7f972de88d2f9e.png[/img]