[0.5.3]Sorry for this update


Turn your desktop into an interactive 3D scene, and place the icons everywhere!

[h2] Update content [/h2] [list] [*] Reduce some built-in decorative objects (such as tables and chairs) to a true scale [*] Built in [Default] Mod: Fixed a bug where the camera flickers near the wall. [*] Built in [Empty] Mod: removes the default depth of field effect from PostProPostprocessing. [*] Reduce unnecessary material cloning and optimize rendering performance. [/list] Development log: Due to not handling the built-in model well in the early stages of development, the model is about twice larger than the real world. This repair will cause the models that you previously spent time on to be misplaced and need to be rearranged. I apologize for any inconvenience caused by my carelessness! I hope to develop an automated script for processing models in the future to avoid making low-level errors again!