The Classrooms

The Classrooms is a procedural, liminal-space, found-footage, survival horror game. Explore The Classrooms and discover the various anomalies it contains; from malicious entities, to harmless oddities. And remember, it's different every time you play, so your found footage is uniquely yours.

[list] [*]Changed Whispering Wyrm's Appearance [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42721145/7315b12b2505ea0215385e6f809ecce4b75f3135.gif][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42721145/7315b12b2505ea0215385e6f809ecce4b75f3135.gif[/img][/url] [*]Renamed Goggles to Broken Goggles [*]Added tooltips to picking up progression items in Poolrooms [*]Prevented duplicate progression items from spawning in Poolrooms [/list]