0.3.0 - Patch Notes

Gods of Sand

Train gladiators. Manage a ludus. Fight in the arenas. Conquer the tower. Gods of Sand is a gladiator manager with intense turn-based combat, inspired by the Swords and Sandals series, in a dark and unforgiving setting.

[b]Skills:[/b] - Fixed skill "Trial of Balance" causing delays to end entities turn. - Fixed damage given not being shown on a few skills. - Changed it's price formula, now it should be cheaper. [b]Passives:[/b] - Added passives system, you can buy them on the skill-tree panel. New passives coming soon. [b]Ludus:[/b] - Fixed bug causing weird artifacts to the gladiator name text upon changing it's name. - Fixed a few objects on weird positions, now they're positioned to be pixel perfect. - Fixed gladiator weekly cost text alignment on ludus inventory. - Now you start with 2 gladiator slots instead of 5, and each carpenter upgrade gives you +2 slots instead of 1. [b]Menus:[/b] - Added a button to return to main menu. - Added a "Credits" button with our team members on the title screen. [b]Steam:[/b] - Added achievement system, we will be adding more in the near future. [b]Battle:[/b] - Fixed Grid positions to be even across the map. - Enemy gladiators are now generated based on pre-made gladiators archetypes (tanker,spearman,berserker,mage...) for better balancing. [b]Renown:[/b] - The price of the renown is now halved, your gladiator's weekly cost will now be a lot cheaper.