
Adore is an action creature-collecting game where you build your team of unique creatures and go on a journey to resurrect the God of the Creatures.

- Fixed: Statues and blessed creatures would spawn only in the endgame depths, even if the player was not playing the endgame depths. - Fixed: More issues with the quest pointers. - Fixed: Icy and some other creatures would not respect the interval between their attacks in some situations. - Fixed: AI enemy puddle indicator of Frogma attacks would remain active even after captured. - Fixed: An issue during the Search For the Craftsman Thunn quest related to clearing areas of the Ancestral Graveyard. - Fixed: Consumables would not deactivate after being picked up during expeditions in some situations. - Fixed: Player would deactivate if Shaz was recalled right before dismounting it. - Fixed: Divine essence box tip would deactivate and activate constantly in some resolutions. - Fixed: Reset synergy button would not activate in some situations. - Fixed: Map music would not start during the expedition in some situations. - Fixed: Wrong interaction between the Venra's slow synergy and the Dummies in the village. - Fixed: Some situations where creatures would stop after being turned in sheeps. - Fixed: Krongur synergy icon would remain active after depositing Krongur in the sanctuary. - Fixed: Some quest dialogues would still activate in lower depths. - Fixed: Knockback attacks would not activate the Bakiz's counter-attack. - Fixed: Dommu's vfx would appear over game panels. - Fixed: Shaz would not show the lock icon in the bestiary before reaching its depth. - Fixed: First Zarkee evocation would had some color issues in some situations. - Fixed: Zhoraz would walk before attacking even close to the target in some situations. - Fixed: Bakiz counter-attack would not be activated by Abbu orbs in some situations. - Fixed: Human bosses would stop completely in some situations (frozen and turned to sheep, for example). - Fixed: Expeditions durability would decrease two points instead of one after completing or exiting an expedition. - Fixed: Dommu attack collider would remain active in some situations. - Fixed: Player would move slightly while holding a creature and standing close to a portal or the village shrine. - Fixed: Picked keys during the run would not show in the score screen. - Fixed: Devu's synergy Astral Return would remain active after holding Devu's attack again. - Fixed: Venra poison puddle would not show its VFX during the Ixer Third Encounter. - Fixed: Quest alert in the expeditions tab was active during the endgame without any expedition related quest active. - Fixed: Player was summoning/recalling creatures right after closing some game panels. - Fixed: Fouboo attacks during its special ability would not break the ice of Human Bosses affected by Icy's special ability. - Fixed: Gryin's orb glowing too much. - Fixed: Endgame depths would show without their locks in some situations. - Added alert to indicate that the player can not capture a creature during the Ixer encounters.