
Tough Love Arena

Tough Love Arena is an indie fighting game with 6 unique, fun, and interesting characters and silky-smooth rollback netcode.

You can find the full changelog at [url=https://about.toughlovearena.com/log#0.112.0]about.toughlovearena.com/log[/url] [list] [*] Summer patch! [*] Six new Summer skins have been added (one for each character) [*] The skins will be freely playable online for the month of July, then locked to offline only starting August 1 [*] Check out the free online tournament for a chance to permanently unlock summer skins! challonge.com/tlasummer24 [*] Cabinet Mode: Enabled faster rematch during the win screen [*] Cabinet Mode: Changed Character Select to make it more obvious how to play local versus [*] Cabinet Mode: Disabled pressing Heavy to exit Character Select [/list]