
子夜之章:历史的终局~MidNights of Desperado~

The protagonist of this lonely life is you. You leave your hometown and come to a strange world. The world is prosperous and cold, strange but real. You may like it or wish you could tear it to pieces. The good news is, you have the choice!

以后尽量不再进行非必要的基础操作优化(比如鼠标不好用啊、键位不舒服啊、窗口菜单层级太多啊、UI太简陋啊啥的),因为每次改完过两天都会发现woc这玩意一改导致一堆bug,还得改回来,寄 作者也没太大精力去对一些底层操作进行优化了(而且不知道咋改) 除非有大佬帮我改()